Tag Archives: high tech

MIT Sloan MBA Areta Shum on the Seattle “Tech Trek”

After a fun and rigorous core semester, it’s finally winter break, but I’m not hitting the slopes or soaking up the sun on a beach somewhere warm. Instead, I signed up to go to Seattle with 17 other MIT Sloan students on a technology career trek. While this may sound like an unusual way to […]

Matthew Marx: Non-compete agreements and their impact on employees

For businesses that use them, non-compete agreements, which typically bar their employees from joining rival companies for one to two years, offer a clear benefit:  They prevent employees from going to a rival with the knowledge and skills they have acquired on the job. But these agreements also carry a high cost for the employees, […]

LinkedIn: When the party ends–MIT Leadership Center director discusses recent IPO

From the Washington Post LinkedIn’s recent IPO is generating tremendous buzz in the world of high-tech and the financial markets. Doubling your stock price doesn’t happen every day, so company euphoria is completely understandable. In fact, passing around the champagne and caviar is a good thing. Company employees should be able to party when good news […]